I'm a chronic wisecracker with blunt sensibilities. I love nothing more than bustling around a kitchen cooking up tasty fare, surrounded by people I love just shooting the bull!
Mahalia Muses

For as long as I can remember my life as been filled with crafts, cooking, never quite enough money, and these ladies. Throughout the years we've made Christmas gifts, party decorations, Halloween costumes, sweets and treats etc. and the response is always the same. "Oh my god, you made that??" "How did you do that?" and the ever present "You could sell that". Well, we decided to answer all these questions with a blog! We're putting up tutorials, recipes, and for those that aren't crafty our etsy shop (IwishIwish...). The name Four Girls Walk into a Blog came to me one day and it seemed like an excellent fit. Because, to be honest, we have no idea what we're doing - crafting, cooking, blogging, life, you name it - we're just kind of winging it and the punch line is sure to be entertaining.

Amanda Articulates
Somehow due to my extraordinarily limited, but oh so much mightier technical abilities than the rest of the ladies I am the one in charge of the actual technical stuffs. So bear with me as I learn and
grow and attempt to figure this all out.
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